Mission, Vision & Values

Values 🔑

Excellence 🎖 dedication to being the best one can be

Security🛡- always being able to acquire knowledge and navigate the world

Community 🏠 - enhancing mutually beneficial relationships

Anticipatory Joy 😸 - a positive attitude and orientation to the future

Love ❤️ - committed action for the well-being of others

Mission & Vision 👀

Read It and Leave It promotes children’s literacy in Harlem by providing positive reading experiences and distributing culturally conscious books to children. Through this program children acquire home libraries, inspiring a better relationship with books and literacy.

Under-served children are empowered to have a stronger life through an appreciation and love of knowledge through reading.

Richard Allington 2010 

“The achievement gap that exists between low-income and high-income children can be narrowed or even closed simply by giving books to low-income kids. Just a dozen books selected by the child, at a total cost of about $50, can achieve the same improvements in school performance as $3,000 worth of summer school.”

More than 80% of all children who interface with the juvenile court system are considered functionally illiterate with more than 50% of all prisoners being functionally illiterate as well.

Take action today!

For every $1 we receive, .75 cents is applied directly to programming and .25 cents supports programming via administrative/overhead.